

21 December, 2009

on a night like this

I wish Kathleen Noonan would write a book - her articles in The Courier Mail are so poetic.
Read her latest, then close your eyes and compose your own stories starting with her first line 'on a night like this'.
Then send them to me in the comments, 'cause you know I love to read.


comrade harps said...

On a night like this and with Christmas shopping on her mind she will offer me the a time and a place for what I need to be happy in stranger's arms.

alison said...

On a night like this he shook the sand from his hair and pulled a can from the fridge. He stood awhile on the balcony looking across the ocean, and suddlenly realised that the relentless crash of the waves was beating a rhythm on his heart. She's gone.