I was reminded of the deadline approaching for our D*P*C program, because Dr Michael Stephens is coming for the QPLA/PLA conference in October and he will be working with focus groups on our Learning 2.0 program - and I haven't quite finished! However, I discovered that I have covered wikis in an earlier blog
I've used a wiki since then for a work project - I invited colleagues to join the space as writers so they could submit information and links on information service. So far my writers are readers and I've moved on to other projects, but it's still alive, waiting for me to keep it alive. It would work better if it had a more structured content layout, but that's all part of web 2.0 - learn and grow.
I have seen some useful wikis, and I hope to contribute more.
So I've added a lot of content to our wiki - check.
In schools a wiki could be used as a subject information portal - students could contribute information they've found on Egyptian history, etc.
In a public library - a readers' advisory portal. A central space for reviews, suggestions, links, etc.
Some teachers may ban wikipedia as an information source, but what they really mean is that they don't want it used in a citation because the authority can't be checked. I support using wikipedia as an information springboard - launch from there to more authoritive sources once you've got a few more keywords and leads.
When people acknowledge 2.0 tools as a vital part of today's work fabric, they will devote more time to their utilisation. They're not just add-ons!
I still advocate Wikipedia is a good place to start for *some* information searches (see earlier post re film actors), but I did baulk when I saw a quote in our staff magazine attributed to 'wikipedia'. Someone needs a little citation education.
For a short list of library-related wikis, see OPAL's course notes
I like Princeton PL's
BookLovers wiki as it is a specified-time project which should ensure people's active participation.